Monday, September 18, 2017

Are you kidding me

Ted pretty much shut the door on this year's competition. I have a couple mediocre tomatoes that I was going to bring in, but I'm afraid now that they might accidentally get crushed by Ted's 3.22# behemoth. The first place tomato is now more than twice the size of it's nearest competitor!

Ted also had a nice 1kg wagon wheel that damaged its stem and never lived up to its full potential. It's interesting in that it's shaped like it's grandparent, the 8.41# former world record.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Big Weekend

A number of big tomatoes came in this weekend.

Paul had a cool looking C-shaped tomato.

Bob produced what I'm guessing is a new PR for him.

Ted's was the biggest of the three, and now sits in first place.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

New leader

Bob's misshapen monster motivated me to rustle around in my tomato patch in search of a more photogenic mater. I found such a fruit, and blissfully it had enough sand in the pants to retake the top step of the podium. But it's still just a baby.

1st Place

Bob stepped up with a Big Zac that's big enough for first place. Bob, when you said it was an ugly tomato, you weren't kidding!