Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Baggie Method

I'm trying the Dustin Eastman germinate-in-a-baggie method. I'm not sure this is any easier than starting the seeds in starter mix. Ok, let me restate that, I'm sure it's not easier. We'll see if the extra effort is rewarded with a higher germination rate. My germination rate has been crazy low this year.

I started 16 seeds Monday night, and this is the first one to grow a tail, 3 days later. No amateur hour here - I'm using coffee filters instead of paper towels, they're incubating in a temperature controlled mini greenhouse, and I'm checking them daily for signs of life.

Monday, April 27, 2015

You can never start too early...

Who says February is too early to start? These bad boys will have 5 feet of roots when transplanted deep in a couple weeks! Too bad these ones are cherry tomatoes :(... true story.


Another photo from the future....

Just sayin’

Whose cute, little seedlings are those? Sadly, my 4 week old ones outgrew their cups and had to be transplanted to gallon containers…  Just sayin’…


Friday, April 24, 2015

The Champ at 2 Weeks

It's hard to believe that one of these little guys will produce a competition-crushing monster tomato by season's end, but it's true! Will it be the Big Zac? The Zaczilla? The MegaMarv? The Domingo?

Don't despair, you can still have fun trying for 2nd place!

Unleash the beast!

Sneak peek ahead

Here's a preview of things to come, later on this season. *

 * Simulated results. Actual results may vary, but not by much.



This blog was created for the 2015 Medtronic-Boulder giant tomato contest. It is a place for talking smack, telling outrageous lies, posting pictures, and general lycopene-related shenanigans.

In the spring of 2015, our fearless leader Fred threw down a challenge to see who could grow the biggest tomato. $5 buy-in, enter by Memorial Day. No, you don't wait until your tomato is ready for the scales to decide to enter. What are you waiting for? Get your money in today!

Would this 2+ pounder be big enough to win?