Monday, April 27, 2015

You can never start too early...

Who says February is too early to start? These bad boys will have 5 feet of roots when transplanted deep in a couple weeks! Too bad these ones are cherry tomatoes :(... true story.


  1. Do you have any small seedlings of the same variety? I'm curious if you put them out at the same time, how they compare later in the season, in terms of earliness and overall productivity. I've heard that all the season-extending tricks (wall of waters, cold frames, large plants, etc.) only buy you a few days to first ripe tomato, and that small seedlings eventually outperform the oversized seedlings.

  2. Not early planted toms are all performing relatively the same as each other and I didn't plant additional of those varieties later. You can see another couple fairly tall cherry tom plants and then some shorter ones behind those which are a couple heirloom types that are still small despite their age (like me :/). Just guessing but I'd say they don't extend the season by getting tomatoes earlier or later and instead just makes more work up front. Maybe with a larger root they are more prolific??

  3. Oh.. and that should say they are performing relatively the same as each other by variety type... as I mentioned the cherry are tall plants and the heirlooms not so much.
