Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Here are a couple pics. I started my seeds about 2-3 weeks after most of you so mine are just now setting fruit. This first pic is just of the 'giant' garden where i planted my three most promising seedlings. I've obviously been doing a lot of trimming back. I'd like to think the few little marigolds I added helped the pollination process.

Then this is one of my first fruit set and one of 3 "megablooms" to set. Two on this plant, and one on a second. Time to get serious with these little buggers!

This tomato is about the size of a nickel today. I have about 8 tomatoes set on these three plants today that weren't there yesterday. I have some "leftover" plants in small-ish containers that I'm not sure what they'll do. Their foliage looks amazing but no fruit yet and limited megablooms. We shall see.

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