Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Something's been eating my tomatoes

I went out this morning to check on my eating tomatoes. Somebody had beaten me to it.



Turds on the ground.
I searched for 15 minutes and couldn't find the offending critter. When I got home, I went out for another look. Aha!
In years past, I would have ended this hornworm's dinner by splattering him between 2 rocks. But now that I know more about the Sphinx moths that they turn into, I give them a fighting chance. This guy got released in a shady field near my house, with 3 of the tomatoes that he had partially munched on, and a couple of tomato suckers.

1 comment:

  1. The only one I have seen in person was from my neighbors garden last year. My oldest daughter loves bugs and wanted to keep it as a pet. She got a cage setup and everything. That night while she slept the strangest thing happened and it "escaped" via the hands of my wife. Escaped to Valhalla methinks.
