Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Suddenly have free space in your garden?

   Given the recent tragedy that befell our compatriot in NE Longmont, I thought I'd share what we have done with our extra garden space. Our open space is not from a hail storm but is rather the leftover beds from finished cold weather crops.

   One thing I find disappointing every year is that once the spinach and lettuce have bolted, once the peas are done and the carrots are picked, you have this empty hole in your garden (and in your heart) that used to be filled by your beloved cold weather plants. What can one do?


In my household we have decided to pick up the pieces, do a little work, and reopen our hearts.

We added a turtle.


Her name is Blastoise and she is a western box turtle. We cleared out that old winter stuff and made her a home. For now she lives among the chard and some left over herbs. Next spring she will be frolicking amongst spinach, lettuce, and carrots. I will also probably make it so she can explore the whole garden.

She will live outside for about 7 months out of the year. In winter she will come inside to hibernate. She eats mostly fruit.

So farmer Tim, once your grief abates, I recommend getting a turtle. A turtle will help you recover from your tragedy and will once again plant seeds of hope in your heart.



  1. That's pretty cool Aaron. My kids would go nuts for a turtle.

  2. Mine was dumped in my lap by a friend. It's a lot of fun. You can get one at the humane society for about $55. It's pretty easy to build something they can't get out of, but you do need to put some effort in. Ours escaped twice.

  3. Very touching eulogy for Tim's garden. Sniff sniff.
